Tuesday 11 June 2013

Young History Travellers: Cronaca di un' esperienza indimenticabile (Riccard...

Young History Travellers: Cronaca di un' esperienza indimenticabile (Riccard...: Ancora mi ricordo il lunedì di una settimana fa, quando, insieme ai miei compagni, siamo arrivati all' aeroporto di Ciampino. Prima del...

Young History Travellers: L'esprienza del Comenius... secondo Alessio!

Young History Travellers: L'esprienza del Comenius... secondo Alessio!: Questa è stata la mia prima esperienza all’estero senza la mia famiglia ed è stata fantastica. Prima di partire ero molto emozionato. Av...

Young History Travellers: "La notte prima non avevo chiuso occhio" ... a Syr...

Young History Travellers: "La notte prima non avevo chiuso occhio" ... a Syr...: Finalmente era arrivato il giorno tanto atteso, era da tanto che facevo il conto alla rovescia dei giorni che mancavano alla partenza. La...

Young History Travellers: "Come è stato questo viaggio in Francia?" ... la p...

Young History Travellers: "Come è stato questo viaggio in Francia?" ... la p...: Come è stato questo viaggio in Francia???Beh...fantastico!!! La domenica prima della partenza ero agitatissima, non solo perché sarebbe s...

Young History Travellers: "Ciao Bordeaux...e a presto!": le emozioni di Matt...

Young History Travellers: "Ciao Bordeaux...e a presto!": le emozioni di Matt...: La mia prima esperienza all'estero è stata fantastica. Mai avrei pensato di trascorrere cinque giorni indimenticabili insieme ai miei c...

Young History Travellers: "Un viaggio sorprendente"... di Nicolò S.

Young History Travellers: "Un viaggio sorprendente"... di Nicolò S.: Eccomi  qua ! Sono tornato dalla fantastica gita in Francia. Alla partenza ero ansioso perchè non avevo mai viaggiato con l'aereo...

Young History Travellers: "Di ritorno dalla Francia" di Anna Leda

Young History Travellers: "Di ritorno dalla Francia" di Anna Leda: Di ritorno dalla Francia... Erano le otto e mezza quando siamo saliti sull'autobus. Fino a quel momento eravamo tutti tranquilli. ...

Young History Travellers: Mobilità a Bordeaux, vista dagli occhi ... di Beat...

Young History Travellers: Mobilità a Bordeaux, vista dagli occhi ... di Beat...: Prima della partenza eravamo tutti agitati e un po’ tristi, perché nessuno di noi voleva lasciare in Italia le persone a cui vuole bene. ...

Bordeaux - Friends old and new!

Follow the shells and you will find your way........
It is very strange that we often start a journey for a particular reason - or at least we think we do, but the outcomes and what is actually achieved is usually very different!!!!

What follows are the thoughts of some of the students involved in the 'Comenius Project', which has 'pilgrimage' as its central theme. They were asked to write about their recent trip to Bordeaux, home of the French students involved in the project. Their thoughts and reflections are, in my opinion, amazing and confirm MY thoughts, that the 'project' is indeed a success and will be an unforgettable experience for everyone involved!

Regina writes....

When we had arrived in the airport in Bordeaux, I was very nervous and excited to meet the new group of Italians. To be honest, I think that I had judged them way too early because at the end of the trip, I didn’t want them to leave. Although we only had a few days together, it was worth it.

Never in my life have I met such welcoming, and heart-warming people, even now I still get those moments when I stop and think about all the memories that we’ve created together.

The best day of the week was also the saddest day of the week. Even though it brought so many tears to my eyes, those tears were a mixture of sadness and happiness. Thursday was the day when everyone became so much closer to one another. In such a short amount of time, friendships were made, memories were created and no-one can take that away from us.

I’m so grateful to Miss Cawley, because without her, this project wouldn’t have been such a great success. One of the best memories was when the English and the Italians were dining in a restaurant and we all sang each other songs. The Italians taught us 'Volare' and we taught them' Don’t Go'.

Jada writes....
We stayed in Bordeaux From 13th May-17th May. I really enjoyed my stay in Bordeaux as it is a very beautiful place in France. I was really glad to see all the French students again and I enjoyed getting to know the new Italians as they are very nice. Throughout my trip I have learnt a lot about the history of Bordeaux!!! I remember visiting all the different churches and going to the vineyards. The day that I enjoyed the most was Thursday, when we went to their school.

Throughout the day we got to do loads of different activities and I also got to know the French a bit more. Before we came to Bordeaux we were asked to create a design based on pilgrimages. The design had to include an arrow and a shell. We used these designs to put on a clay plaque which we made while we were at the French school.

I had a great time in Both Italy and Bordeaux and I’m really glad that I have been given the opportunity to go on these trips. I really miss the French and Italians, and I can’t wait to see them in October!!!!!!!!

Edima writes...
The trip to France was very enjoyable because we got to meet new Italians and see the French again. I was happy that we were able to go to France in May because the weather was sunny. We took a local bus to the hotel and quickly made our way to our rooms. During the course of the trip we became closer to the Italians and also realised that they were really good friends. On Thursday we went to the French school and met more French students.

Our first activity was to design plaques where had to include 3 things: a scallop shell, a pilgrim and an arrow. We also did a treasure hunt, working in mixed language groups. My group which included Regina, Riccardo, Nicolo and Louis won and got the prize first! However everyone was able to get some of the prize. At the end we went to a hall and watched a presentation that was made by some of the French about a previous project on 'pilgrimage'. Sadly, Thursday was the day we had to say goodbye to the French and some of them (English, French AND Italian) began crying and giving out comforting hugs.

On the 17th we were ready to part ways with the Italians. They were to leave earlier than us which made us very sad. We walked them to their bus stop, with tears in our eyes, and waved them off as they sung us an English song we had taught them called, ‘Don’t Go’.

Thank you to all the teachers who allowed us to take part in this trip and those who supported us in making new friends. Especially Ms Cawley, Ms Green and Mr Murphy!!

......One of our hosts at the reception in the local meeting room said that our students, perhaps without realising or knowing it, were creating the Europe of the future, where political, religious and social divisions would be less important. The most important achievement of the project is that lifelong friendships have been forged - an unexpected but very welcome outcome of our journey together!!!!!

So there is one question which remains...

Which way now?         

Les chevaliers au collège

Les chevaliers au collège

La séance de l’adoubement sous le porche du collège. (Photo P. I.)http://www.sudouest.fr/img/trans.gif

Cette veille de week-end de Pentecôte avait été choisie pour organiser la cinquième Fête médiévale du collège. Une manifestation plus ambitieuse que les précédentes car plus longue et plus fournie en termes d’animations. Elle a débuté jeudi. Ainsi les élèves anglais et italiens présents au collège dans le cadre de l’opération Coménius ont pu y participer. Une très belle occasion pour les premiers de découvrir la vie de leurs ancêtres en Aquitaine. En particulier lors de la visite commentée de la bastide, construite au Moyen Âge par l’occupant anglais.

Le vendredi, les collégiens ont pu assister à un moment fort de la vie des chevaliers par le biais d’un adoubement. Puis ce fut le temps de passer à la séance de calligraphie où ceux qui l’ont désiré ont pu s’essayer à l’écriture gothique en vogue à l’époque. François Daucour, leur professeur d’histoire, les a invités à visiter le castrum de Pommiers, à Saint-Félix-de-Foncaude. Une excellente manière de comprendre le système défensif d’une forteresse médiévale.

Une belle journée
Mais le point fort de ces deux jours demeurera certainement le banquet médiéval concocté par l’équipe des cuisines de l’établissement. Au cours de ces agapes, les collégiens ont pu s’imprégner des modes culinaires de l’époque et en particulier du rôle revêtu par les épices. Plus en tant que produit masquant que relevant, car réfrigérateurs et autres congélateurs n’existaient pas…

Deux riches journées durant lesquelles tout le monde a joué le jeu. La plupart des divers personnels tant techniques, administratifs qu’enseignants allant jusqu’à se costumer pour l’occasion, ce qui faisait dire à François Daucour : « Ce fut une belle journée. Chacun a pu aller à la découverte du passé de notre bastide. Ce vendredi était destiné aux élèves de cinquième dans le cadre de leur programme d’histoire où ils étudient la société féodale. Les ateliers ont remplacé les cours de la plus belle des façons ».

En somme une excellente manière de joindre l’utile à l’agréable en mettant en valeur et en utilisant le patrimoine médiéval local.

À la poursuite de la coquille Saint-Jacques

Articles Sud Ouest mai 2013

À la poursuite de la coquille Saint-Jacques

Fabrication de coquilles en poterie par les élèves des trois nationalités. (Photo P. I.)

C’est une semaine placée sous le signe des chemins de Compostelle que viennent de vivre les élèves de cinquième, quatrième et troisième du collège Robert-Barrière ainsi que leurs homologues italiens de Casamari et anglais de Londres, dans la continuité du programme européen Coménius.
Son thème emprunte les chemins de Compostelle sillonnant l’Italie, la Grande-Bretagne et la France. Quelques jours durant lesquels ils ont découvert des richesses girondines à travers les itinéraires de pèlerinage locaux. Ces quatre jours dans le Bordelais leur ont permis de visiter Bordeaux en empruntant une section du chemin de Compostelle qui passe en centre-ville.

Puis ce fut au tour de l’Entre-deux-Mers de leur livrer ses richesses patrimoniales avec l’abbaye de Saint-Ferme, celle de la Sauve-Majeure, Saint-Émilion et son église monolithe. Ils ont ainsi pu visualiser l’art roman tout comme à Sauveterre où ils ont participé à une chasse au trésor.

Moscato terracina

Les différents chemins sont jalonnés de très beaux monuments, en particulier d’églises. Ce n’est pas pour rien qu’ils ont été déclarés premier itinéraire culturel européen. Les collégiens ont réalisé une excellente exposition sur ce moment de l’histoire où les Anglais occupaient l’Aquitaine.

C’est également un retour vers les racines communes et une façon de tisser des liens d’amitié entre les différents peuples. Les adolescents ont aussi fabriqué des coquilles en poterie, symbole de Saint-Jacques, qui seront ultérieurement installées sur l’itinéraire cantonal, qui en est dépourvu. Ce fut aussi un moment fort lors de l’échange des ceps de vigne et de la plantation des pieds de moscato terracina, un cépage italien, offerts par les collégiens de Casamari. Ils sont d’ailleurs retournés dans leur province de Frosinone avec des exemplaire de cabernet. Un atelier de calligraphie a clos ces activités.

Publié le 22/05/2013 à 06h00
Par Patrick Izaute